Life Celebration Service for Chuck


A celebration of Chuck’s life will be held at Northwest Foursquare Church in Federal Way begining at 11AM on Friday, October 7th, 2016.  After the main service there will be a reception held in the ajoining rooms for celebration, discussion, and sharing of the many wonderful stories we have of this amazing man.

27 thoughts on “Life Celebration Service for Chuck”

  1. To all of your family, please accept our deepest sympathy. Although I did not know him well, he was a wonderful role model for his grandson’s, and all that knew him. I loved seeing the pictures of him with Caleb and Ben, always making memories for them. He will be truely missed by all. Our love to all of you.
    Jeanette and Terry Craig

  2. Dearest Peggy, and family,
    It is with deepest regret that I will not be able to attend the Celebration of Life Service.
    I’m grieving with you and rejoicing with you, that our beloved Uncle Chuck is in the Presence of the Jesus. I can picture him, as he realized he was on his way home, with a huge smile and peace in his heart as he was ushered in…. He was a great human being in every way… I pray for comfort for you all at this time.. I know the seeds Chuck planted and love he showed to all his kids, the AWANA and Royal Family Kids will flourish eternally … I look forward to giving you a huge hug the minute I see you next. Deepest sympathy to you… love you dearly, Deb DiPietro

  3. Dearest Peggy and Family,

    My deepest, heartfelt sympathy. Chuck will be greatly missed. He was a godly man who imitated Christ beautifully. Wise, compassionate, loving and funny!
    I will not be able to attend Chuck’s celebration of life as I am still serving in Mexico. I will find a way to Skype at least for a bit.

    Mimi Aranda

    1. Peggy,
      Carole and I are so upset. We know how you two loved each other like Carole and I love each other. Such a tragic loss spiritually, mentally and physically in each others lives. This love you both shared with so many constantly giving of yourselves to individuals, groups like our Life Group, and mission trips and Royal Family Kids camps. Always serving as Jesus. I know you will continue as you are healed. I knew Chuck in men’s ministries and how he served as a humble leader with compassion always setting an example how to walk with God. We grieve with you but are always available for you.
      Lord we are so grateful for the man you gave us to be our friend and your reflection. A man you changed to be like you.

  4. Dear Peggy and Family~
    There are no words — We are so deeply sorry to hear of Chuck’s passing and know your lives are reeling in the midst of the void he leaves behind. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and you grieve.
    You are loved,

  5. Peggy and Family,
    We grieve with you and struggle to even know what to say. We are so sorry.
    Love, Sheila and Family

    1. Dearest Peggy,
      Tom and I were saddened when we heard the news of Chuck’s unexpected passing. Before Tom began attending NWC with me, he often saw Chuck at the Tacoma L&I. He would often see him reading his Bible during lunch. The first time Tom saw Chuck at church, he had only good comments, as Chuck set a wonderful example working for the State of Washington in the Electrical Group. Tom remembered when he had Electrical Safety questions, Chuck was the “go to” person with answers. So even though we will be unable to attend his Celebration of Life on Friday, know you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers during this unanticipated time of loss.

      1. Thank you for your kind words. He was the very best guy i ever new and thank God i had the privilege to be his wife.

  6. I recall interviewing Chuck when he was interested in becoming an electrical inspector. My first thoughts were that “this is one cool person” He filled all the requirements needed for employment and I gave his interview high marks.

    Subsequently, Chuck became one of my most trusted employees. After a few years, I pressured him to try out a supervisory roll, but he was happy where he was. It wasn’t until shortly before my retirement that he accepted the position of Lead Inspector.

    Prior to my retirement, I again tried to get him to apply for the upcoming opening as a Field Supervisor and hopefully take my place. After retiring I had stopped in at the office a few times and was “hoping ?” to see Chuck filling my shoes.

    A great guy, good people, cool under pressure, what every supervisor dreams of. There were many, many times I would get a call requesting “I request only Chuck, to make my inspections”. Knowing that he was fair, thorough, professional and prompt.

    My condolences to the family, Peggy, whom I just talked to and had not met before, and especially the two boys, Charles and Christopher whom I met when they were younger and were the “whole world” to Chuck.

    Tony & Sharon Monson

    1. Thank you Tony for your call and the flowers. Your kind words mean a lot to me. I will miss him the rest of my life. He was a great husband to me and he loved me well.

  7. Peggy,
    While we have not personally met, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We were on the water Saturday and hope in some small way our efforts to return Charles to you helps bring a little peace to you and your family. Sending much love to you all today and in the days to come.

    1. Thank you for coming and talking to me. It meant so much to me to know that you cared enough to come to his service. The basket you sent was beautiful, thank you. I wish you could have met him he was so much fun. We are reeling with our loss of Chuck. I am so glad you found him, to not have found him would be even more devastating.

  8. Back when L & I operated in a more Spartan or leaner format, our then supervisor or Inspector II, Tony Monson wisely suggested that his crew nominate choices from the Tacoma inspector group to become the Lead Inspector, a newly created position. With unanimous acclaim we selected Chuck Paul. Tony made it happen. For over 2 decades Chuck led the Tacoma state electrical inspectors through transitions of eight supervisors. Intermittently and for prolonged periods working as the acting supervisor. Our regard for Chuck only increased. It was the best group decision we ever made. His shoes will never be filled.

    1. Thank you Steve. We know “the boys” that worked with Dad for more than 25 years will all miss him. He loved going to work every single day, and not for the work, but for the PEOPLE like you that he bonded with and loved. That love did not end when he retired, and has not now that he has passed.

  9. Dear Peggy and family,
    My heart is broken with you yet my spirit rejoices knowing Chuck is with Jesus – another reminder that every day… No, every breath is a gift from God and that we should always have our lamp oil full (be ready).

    Although I was not close with your family, I knew Chuck through Royal Family (RFKC) and casually through my passing out bulletins on Sunday morning over the years. I will celebrate Chuck’s amazing life with you at the memorial service. God bless you (Matt 5:4)

  10. I rejoice knowing that Chuck is now singing praises in the presence of Jesus.
    I mourn that the world has lost a strong man of faith that lead in both word and deed.
    I smile knowing that Chuck spent every day doing what he loved, including his last.
    I cry with the family and friends because of the hole that we are left with in our hearts.
    I laugh with the memories of how Chuck turned almost every situation into a positive light, no matter how difficult the task.

    Like many people, I first met Chuck while working on a mission. He was the type of person who everyone would gravitate to for advice, counsel or just a friendly moment. Regardless of the situation or the task, he faced them all with a joyful praise and prayer. I will alway remember how he would put his prayer to song and just sing out as the spirit would lead him. I will miss him as both a friend and a role model.

  11. I am so sad to hear this news .My thoughts and prayers go out to Chucks family.
    Chuck was a asset to the electrical industry, we have lost a true gentleman and friend.
    Chuck would always call you back if you had questions regardless if it was after hours, he was a great man who really cared about the electrical contractors and building owners, making sure that all installations were safe and up to code requirements.

    Kevin Canavan

  12. The L&I electrical program lost a great man when Chuck retired. We were all shocked and saddened to hear about his tragic loss. Chuck was the kind of leader that was a great example for all of us. I knew Chuck professionally, but not personally, and it sounds like his personal life was also a great example for all those who knew him.

  13. While I have to admit I did not know Chuck Paul very well, I can say I definitely appreciated the man. I am an electrical contractor in the Tacoma area and working with Chuck was a real pleasure. I appreciated his knowledge and especially his willingness to help when I had questions that needed to be cleared up. He is definitely missed. I wish his family all the best and God’s blessings.

  14. To the family of Chuck Paul:
    I will miss Chuck tremendously. He was the friendly and patient inspector who always seemed to have time to answer my questions. He saved me from trouble more than once. He was the best electrical inspector/man at Labor and Industries. Best wishes to all of you as you struggle with your loss.

  15. I take this opportunity to encourage you [his family] in your loss]- I am an Electrical Contractor – I am encourage to hear about Chuck and his impact on the electrical work performed in the Tacoma area. It sound like Chuck WALK THE WALK as well as TALKED THE TALK. Meaning his everyday walk was a testimony to his strong FAITH in our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Be encouraged that Chuck is where he was always intending to be – in HEAVEN. I recently lost a grandson at the age of 16 to cancer – it was a loss of unmeasured proportion – and I was angry with GOD for not intervening in his life’s struggle with cancer. After some time passed I realized that I was being selfish, for may grandson had simply beat me to the final destination – Eternal LIFE with GOD. From what I have read about Chuck’s life – he is enjoying his NEW found JOY in the presence of GOD. May the realization of knowing that Chuck finished the race and now is where ALL who are VICTORIOUS aspire to be.
    A fellow sojourner in this road we call LIFE.
    May peach and JOY be yours because you had Chuck with you for a long and productive LIFE – AMEN!!!

  16. I just heard about this tragic loss on the LNI monthly electrical currents news letter. I’m very sad myself and sorry for the family suffering their loss. Chuck was always such a wonderful friend and Ally in the work force! I wish I could have known him better personally. I had the fortune of working with him as he inspected a few of my jobs leading up to his retirement and am very grateful to have had that time. My thoughts a prayers go out to all who are mourning Chuck.

  17. Chuck’s family and friends,
    I was deeply saddened by the news of Chuck’s death and my thoughts and prayers go out to you.
    I first met Chuck when I was foreman on a job in Kent in 1988-1989, he must have just started with L&I.
    He was always a fair and noligable inspector and I remember how he was looking forward to retirement.
    He will be missed.
    Brad Shupe
    White River Electric

    1. As many others, I just read in the Monthly Electrical Currents of Chucks passing. As an Electrical Contractor in the Puget Sound region, I always looked forward to meeting Chuck on site as he always made us feel that we were on the same page, and that was all about “Safety”. He would have a smile on his face and an attitude that would just brighten your day from being around him. That is what we as Christians are supposed to do, and he was a prime example. I know he will truly be missed and my condolences to his family. Chuck was “One of a Kind” and my thoughts and prayers are with all his friends, family, and co-workers. See you soon Chuck!!!

  18. I am really saddened by this news. I met Chuck in 1987 when he performed inspections on a job I was doing in Auburn. Through the years he always performed his duties with professionalism, grace, and class. My heartfelt condolences to the family.

    Scott Simmons

  19. I am so sorry for your loss. I am a electrical contractor that has known Chuck since I was a apprentice. Did not learn of this until the day of his service. You did not have to be told he was a Christian,he lived it in is daily life and a lot of the things he dealt with a work I am sure that was hard. I think of him often but know one day I will see him again. He was a very special man and I was lucky to have known him.

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